Fit into spring with asparagus & wild garlic

Spring is moving into the kitchen! And what's the best thing about spring? That's right: asparagus and wild garlic - the natural boosters for our body and our immune system. So you can expect some varied dishes with the two vegetables. But what exactly makes asparagus and wild garlic so healthy?
The asparagus is an elaborately cultivated vegetable, so the "Asparagus officinalis" as it is called in Latin is not exactly one of the cheapest vegetables. However, the price is justified when you consider how much fiber, folates, potassium, B vitamins and numerous bioactive plant compounds this deliciously tender vegetable provides. Asparagus is a cleansing and diuretic food, moreover, this leads to the increase of the body's glutathione level. Glutathione is a natural antioxidant.
While wild garlic is a close relative of garlic, it does not have the long aftertaste and odor. However, this is just as healthy because wild garlic contains the sulfur-containing substance allicin. Allicin is a natural antibiotic and is also able to kill fungi. That is why wild garlic shows positive effects on digestive problems. It stimulates the appetite and stimulates the gall bladder. So, should you have a desire for good-tasting and refined prepared medicine, then come to us.
Location: Hotel Sailer