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  • a welcome drink,
  • a late check-out according to availability until 13:00,
  • and the best offer for your individual needs.

Ash Wednesday - Wednesday 2 March 2022

Mehrere kleine Canapés mit einem Aufstrich und frischem Fisch liegen auf einem Tisch
Leckere Fischdelikatessen im Restaurant Sailer

Ash Wednesday at Sailer means herring feast and more! Because with a lot of taste one starts in this country in the Lent.

The beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday has been used for hundreds of years to moderate one's lifestyle and reduce meat consumption. From this developed the tradition of eating fish and, among other things, the well-known herring feast, because the fish was also an important symbol in Christianity.

Of course, on the occasion of Ash Wednesday, the restaurant of the Hotel Sailer offers a very special menu with a wide selection of fish and fish dishes. In keeping with centuries of tradition, you can enjoy fresh fish in the heart of Tyrol.

And also this year our guests may again ask for a timely table reservation!

Location: Hotel Sailer

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Direct booker advantages

We guarantee:

  • a welcome drink,
  • a late check-out according to availability until 13:00,
  • and the best offer for your individual needs.
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